In recent years, an emphasis on self-care and mental health has emerged and redefined how society views its priorities. There’s been a major shift in the workplace, education, and overall lifestyle to abandon antiquated ideas of what a “healthy” routine looks like. With the world facing the longstanding effects of a pandemic more recently, World Wellness Weekend couldn’t come soon enough to remind us of the importance of wellness on a personal and global level. The term “wellness” is often used casually, but have you stopped lately to think about what wellness means to you? World Wellness Weekend (WWW), celebrated on September 16-18, defines wellness as “a responsible relationship between your body and yourself,” a message that appears to be simple, but is often put on the back burner, and sometimes forgotten entirely.
WWW is a network of organizations and companies working to make a difference in the industries of tourism, beauty, hospitality, and fitness. For their sixth annual World Wellness Weekend, they’ve appointed the theme as “Living Well Together,” encouraging participants to partner up with loved ones in their wellness journey. Whether wellness looks like running, staying still and meditating, or unplugging from social media, Glen Ivy supports the World Wellness Weekend’s message and encourages all its visitors to seek out true and full wellness. Total Access Medical also reminds us that “wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise, or nutrition. Wellness is the full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.” As an ambassador of self-care and well-being, Glen Ivy is proud to support exploring different avenues to unlock wellness and invest in your health.